
What is a Gout?

Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis caused by a buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints that can lead to sudden, intense pain – known as a gout flare – and swollen joints that may become red and/or hot.

What causes a gout outbreak?

Too much uric acid can build up and increase the risk of developing gout. Uric acid typically dissolves in the blood and then passes through the kidneys, where it is eventually removed through urine. Around two-thirds of uric acid is produced by the body naturally; the rest comes from diet, often in the form of purines. Family history of gout, as well as other health issues such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or kidney disease, can increase risk for developing gout.

What are symptoms of a gout?

Gout is often associated with the sudden onset of severe pain and swelling, in which the affected joints are very tender, even to the lightest touch. Putting any weight on the affected joint can be very difficult, and the pain may last for a few days.

What are diagnosis and treatment of gout?

Gout can be diagnosed through examination, a blood test, or by analyzing joint fluid. While gout is treatable, it is not curable. The approach of treatment includes decreasing the amount of uric acid in the blood as well as controlling the joint pain. Lowering uric acid levels in the blood can prevent or lessen painful attacks and reduce the risk of gout complications such as kidney stones. Anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids may be prescribed to help with the joint pain. A podiatrist may also recommend lifestyle changes that can help decrease symptoms. These include weight loss, decreasing alcohol consumption, and diet modification.

Source: APMA, https://www.apma.org/gout